Friday, November 25, 2011

Dallas Dental Implants - Types And Advantages of Dental Implants in Dallas

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A dental implantation is both a type of cosmetic dental surgery and a type of prosthetic. Dental implants are artificial teeth, which are durable and function exactly as a natural tooth. Dental implants are widely regarded as the best treatment for lost or severely worn teeth. Dental implants are a good option for individuals in Dallas who have lost a tooth due to gum disease, a root canal failure, tooth decay, congenital defects, and excessive wear and tear. Additionally, a dental implant may be necessary or requested for individuals who have sustained a trauma to the mouth, such as a fall or a sports injury. There are many advantages to dental implants, including an incredible level of strength and durability. The dental implant is much more effective than alternative means for treating missing teeth, such as dentures and bridges. Dental implants are also much more versatile than bridges and dentures. A single implant can support a single prosthetic tooth or an entire dental bridge. The biggest advantage of a dental implant is the increased confidence and self esteem obtained by someone with an implant. Individuals who have missing teeth are often embarrassed about their missing tooth or teeth, causing them to become shy and reserved. Some people with missing teeth will even avoid smiling so that the missing teeth are hidden. The dental implants provide these individuals with a tooth that is identical to their own teeth. Additionally, it functions like a real tooth, which gives those with missing teeth an extra boost of confidence and freedom. There are three forms of Dallas dental implants, which are root form, plate form, and subperiosteal implants. The root form of the dental implants is the type that is most similar to the natural root of the tooth. The implant is long and thin, much like a screw, and is implanted through the patient's gums and into the jawbone. Eventually, the jawbone grows around the implant and it becomes extremely secure in the jaw. The plate form of dental implants is usually used on individuals that have a jawbone that is too thin for the root form dental implant. The plate form dental implantation procedure is achieved by attaching a long, thin, and flat plate to the jawbone. This procedure requires a much longer recovery time than the root form, but is highly effective for individuals with thin jawbones. The subperiosteal form of implants are designed for individuals with severe bone loss. If too little bone is present for the plate form of dental implantation, than the subperiosteal form is still an option. This procedure invo *** es the insertion of a custom made metal plate that rests on top of the jawbone and provides a platform for the prosthetic teeth. The subperiosteal method is the most intensive and frequently requires two surgeries. The first surgery exposes the bone so that the dentist can make a mold, which will be used to create the piece of metal that sits atop the jawbone. The second surgery is to implant the device in the gums. The subperiosteal method can also be achieved through a single surgery and the use of a CT scan of the jaw. The CT scan will allow the dentist to create a mold that will fit the jawbone of the individual without performing any form of invasive surgery.

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